When you read in your native language, it is common to do something with the information that you have read. Perhaps you tell someone about the ideas you have read or write something in response. The aim of this section is to discuss the ideas from the Introduction and the Reading sections of the lesson with the Need to Read community of learners who are taking this course. It also helps you practice expressing your opinions and agreeing and disagreeing in writing which are useful English language skills.
In this section, you can read other students' comments and post your own comments to continue the discussion. This section is open to all levels. The Original Comment contains the opinion that you read about in the Introduction in the lesson and that you responded to in the poll. You can also read the Original Article from the Reading part of the lesson if you want to remind yourself of what the original article was about. The Comments section uses the Introduction and the Original Article from the highest level lesson. Scroll down to Your Comments to see the Poll Results from the lesson and all the comments that students have posted. These are organized in chronological order with the latest page showing on the top. Click Prev to see the comments that other people have added before. Scroll further down to Post a Comment and you can see a text field where you can add as many new comments as you want. You can also print the discussion page by page for reading offline.
The Comments section is moderated reactively which means that your comment is posted immediately and then checked later by our moderator. We will remove any comments that we think are inappropriate. If you see a comment that you think is inappropriate, you can alert the moderator yourself. Click on Alert the moderator and you will be asked to confirm if you really want to report a comment. If you click OK, the moderator will be told about your complaint and can remove the comment.
Please keep your posts relevant and in English. We also ask you to avoid:
If you are a teacher, you can also filter the comments so that you only see those comments made by your students. Click Show comments from your students only to remove comments from the discussion that your students did not write.